The Occupy Protests made a short appearance in Brooklyn this weekend. Occupy Brooklyn was a small event, about 100 people in total, on Saturday in Grand Army Plaza. Our reporters were there to cover the action, or lack there of. See our full Occupy Wall Street coverage.
Were you at Occupy Brooklyn? What did you think? Let us know at or @TheBrooklynInk

Underwhelming Response to Occupy Brooklyn
Fewer than 100 people had gathered at Grand Army Plaza on Saturday to mark the beginning of “Occupy Brooklyn,” an off-shoot the “Occupy Wall Street” protests.

The Sights and Sounds of Occupy Brooklyn

Video: Highlights from Occupy Brooklyn

Occupy…Brooklyn Football?
While all eyes at the stadium were fixated on the Brooklyn Tech Engineers football game, one man had his sights set on something bigger.

Storify Timeline of Occupy Brooklyn
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