Author: Yermi Brenner (Yirmiah Brenner)

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$500 Million Cleanup Plan of Gowanus Canal Introduced

The expensive and lengthy cleanup of the Gowanus Canal will rid the waterway of dangerous contaminants, but it won’t make it clean enough for fishing. That was one of the takeaways at the EPA’s first public presentation of its proposal to clean the site, which is expected to cost roughly $500 million and be finished around 2022....


Disoriented Dolphin Swims Into Gowanus Canal, Dies

A dolphin became confused and ended up in probably one of the worst places in New York for an aquatic animal: the Gowanus Canal. The animal was spotted in the heavily polluted waterway on Friday morning, bringing curious onlookers from their homes out into the cold to watch the dolphin try to find it’s way...