Author: Kim Chakanetsa (Kim Chakanetsa)

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Last Word: The Business of Obituaries in Brooklyn

By Kim Chakanetsa In an age of e-memorials and three-letter postings on Facebook pages, traditional obituaries can start to feel a little…quaint. But obituaries are not completely — pardon the pun — dead.  They’re a business. Paying tribute in the obituary section can be expensive or free – depending on where you live in Brooklyn....


At Jury Selection, Brooklyn Court House

By Kim Chakanetsa On the third floor of the Brooklyn Court House, the judge sits high and straight-backed, framed by two flags and a wooden plaque. She looks up. “Chris,” she says, “we’re ready.” With that a clerk dressed in two shades of olive leaves the room.  He returns with a troop of 24 men and...