Author: Vikram Patel (Vikram Patel)

Home Vikram Patel

A Job Grows in Brooklyn: How One Employer Decided to Hire

  While the total number of jobs in New York City declined by 0.5 percent between 2000 and 2010, Brooklyn added more than 50,000 jobs in that period, including more than 9,300 in the food service industry, according to a report from the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. Figures released by the State Labor Department show...


Something Fishy Around the Corner [VIDEO]

Nino, a 68-year-old fishmonger, has been selling his fresh catches off a tabletop on the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Grove Street in Bushwick for the past 15 years. But he doesn't call it a business -- to him, it's simply a "hobby."


French Shootings Put NYPD and Synagogues on Alert

  On March 19, a lone gunman in southern France murdered three Jewish schoolchildren and a rabbi outside of the Ozar Hatorah secondary school in Toulouse. On Thursday morning, just three days after the shootings, French police killed Mohammed Merah after they stormed the gun-wielding suspect’s home. The incident has sent ripples across the world,...


Atheist Billboard Enrages Jewish Community

  On the evening of March 7, the Jewish community in Brooklyn celebrated the start of Purim, a holiday commemorating the salvation of the Jews from destruction at the hands of a Persian ruler named Haman. But Wednesday night ushered in a bit of unwelcomed text as well: a large billboard along the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway...


A 100-Year-Old Church Gets a Facelift

  In 1916, seven members of Berean Baptist Church, one of the oldest and most historic churches in Brooklyn, scraped together everything they had and set out to build their own church.  It was an ambitious task, but after “much prayer and consultation” they purchased a small storefront on the corner of Fulton Street and...