Category: <span>Business</span>

Home Business

The (not so) Little Bookshop that Could

BookCourt is something of a visual aberration for anyone walking down the northern part of Court Street. Sandwiched between a deli, a UPS store and a Starbucks, the bookshop stands out against the background. It’s too indie to be there, only blocks away from Barnes & Noble – and too nice. The store was already...


Meet OWS’s (Unofficial) Brooklyn Accountant

Our reporter Ravi Kumar caught up with Peter Dutro, a Brooklynite who helps manage finance at Occupy Wall Street. Peter Dutro, 36, of Brooklyn is one of the members of the finance committee at Occupy Wall Street. Dutro, a business technology management undergraduate at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, has been helping the protest since...


A Local Look for Brooklyn Fashion Designers

By Faaria Kherani Juhea Kim, Fort Greene designer of the new fashion line LIBER New York, makes her trip from Brooklyn to New York City’s Garment District. Her list of stops includes fabric stores, trim stores, where she buys zippers and buttons, and patternmaking factories– stops other designers can and often will skip. So why...


Local Community Left Out of Biotech Center Plans

By Faaria Kherani Sunset Park’s Brooklyn Army Terminal, the embarkation point for 3 million soldiers and massive, ocean-going vessels in years past, is carving out a future as the centerpiece of Brooklyn’s commercial biotechnology boom. The New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center are...


Tea Time with Mikhail Prokhorov

(Photo credit: Matt Rodigheri) By Vinnie Rotondaro On Wednesday I met with Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, the recently minted owner of the New Jersey Nets, at the Clover Club, a bar in Carroll Gardens. Prokhorov is the first-ever foreign owner of an NBA team. He never drinks. “Maybe a glass of red wine sometimes,” he...