Inside Brooklyn’s Creative Hub, and the Passions it Supports
Author: Alexander Abnos (Alexander Abnos)
Smokin’ Joe Remembered at Gleason’s Gym
Delen Parsley awoke at 5:30 this morning, and he just knew. “Yo,” he said to his wife laying next to him. “Joe Frazier passed away.” His wife refused to believe him. How could Delen know that? The two had slept through the night, with the TV off. So Delen reached over and turned it on....
Hooked on Henry, Park Slope Bar Celebrates MLS Playoffs
The man at the corner table strokes his beard nervously. Beside him, another simply sits and stares, eyes locked on the three giant high definition TVs behind the bar. The New York Red Bulls are 1-0 up in their do-or-die playoff match against FC Dallas. At Woodwork, this Park Slope bar with an all-soccer TV...
The Arborist: How One Man Makes Trees Disappear
When was the last time you saw something 75 years old get destroyed? Click “play” below and click through the slideshow to see how Prospect Park Head of Arboriculture Luis Lemus does it.
Occupy the Village of Wall Street
Zuccotti Park is not, strictly speaking a park – no rolling green fields but a flat expanse of dark stone. It is, however, something altogether different: an experiment in creating a neighborhood where none existed. Call it the Village of Occupy Wall Street. Its boundaries are benches that are little more than a collection of grey...
The Volunteer: How Tim McKinney helps Prospect Park, and the park helps him
Tim McKinney lifts the black metal trash barrel with an efficiency that belies his thin 63-year-old frame. Placing a clear plastic garbage bag over its opening, McKinney tips the canister over, allowing a stream of refuse to flow. There are soda cans, take-away boxes, and several thick, unidentifiable liquids. An overwhelming scent of garbage hangs...
Witness for the Prosecution: Shop Owner Re-lives Killing in Court
Judge Joel M. Goldberg looked impatiently across his courtroom. The trial of The People vs. Donald Michel should have started at 10:15 a.m. It was now 11. The gallery and jury box remained empty. Defense attorney Adrian Ellis ran a yellow highlighter through case documents. Michel sat next to his attorney, staring straight ahead. A...