Category: <span>Video</span>


Dreams of the Big Screen [VIDEO]

After eight years of pursuing his passion and working for the MTA, Brooklyn-bred filmmaker Wilkie Cornelius, Jr. has finally realized his dream of making a movie. He premiered his first film Single Hills at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and hopes to turn it into his Hollywood debut.


Seasoned Cook Has Seen It All

Beatrice Mobley, believed to be one of the oldest surviving workers of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Hospital, sits at her dining room table in the Vinegar Hill area of Brooklyn, surrounded by mementos from various stages of her life. She picks up of her 66-year-old Brooklyn Navy Yard Hospital I.D. badge with its sepia-colored distressed...


Photographer Carves a Niche

Godfather-esque music lilts over the stairwell as a Brooklyn craftsman ascends the steps to his dimly lit workbench. This is how filmmaker Dustin Cohen introduces us to his newest character. There’s something innately seductive and cinematic about watching a video that slides from soft to razor sharp images in videos like Cohen’s. And aspiring filmmakers don’t...


[VIDEO] A Stripper Story

Kimberly Smith worked in night clubs starting when she was 18. Six years ago, the Brooklyn resident finally found her way out of that “horrible business” and started her own company–using her unique skill set. Produced by Carolina Küng and Frank Runyeon Online poll from GoPollGo


[VIDEO] Artists Trade Time and Talent for Treatment

A new program at the Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center in the Bronx provides artists with medical coverage in exchange for their time and talent. Inspired by a similar initiative at Brooklyn’s Woodhull Medical Center, the Lincoln Art Exchange hopes to narrow the gap between the insured and the uninsured in the Bronx’s artistic...


[VIDEO] Wanted: Outdated Gizmos to Recycle

The Lower East Side Ecology Center recently opened an e-warehouse in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn where residents and small businesses can recycle their electronics. This is the first permanent drop off location for the Center, which has been promoting electronic recycling throughout New York City since 2003. Produced by Cristabelle Tumola and Rebecca Ellis.