Category: <span>Brooklyn Life</span>

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Gowanus: The Background

by Matthew Huisman The Environmental Protection Agency now has the legal authority to go after The City of New York and eight other polluters who for decades contributed to contamination of the Gowanus Canal. The EPA was granted the power after labeling the 1.8-mile canal that divides Red Hook and South Brooklyn from Park Slope...


Gowanus Decision: Winners and Losers

By Lenore Cho and Sudip P. Mukherjee The federal Environmental Protection Agency put the Gowanus Canal on its list of Superfund sites on Tuesday. The 1.8-mile canal in the midst of Brooklyn has been contaminated by heavy industry over the last century. Now the feds are stepping in for the big clean-up. The decision is...


Trim or Tattoo? A New Elvis Aesthetic in Williamsburg

By Joseph Alexiou It is only in a neighborhood like Williamsburg, in a borough like Brooklyn, that a group of creative young folks can open an Elvis-themed hair salon-cum-tattoo parlor without raising many eyebrows. Graceland is housed in a renovated former three-car garage at the corner of Lorimer and Withers streets. Embedded in the smooth...


The Man with the Machete

By Danielle Bengsch On Sunday night at around 11 p.m., according to police reports, Samuel Forrese opened the door to his East Flatbush apartment with a machete in hand. After he did not let go of the machete, despite orders to do so, the police employed a Taser. When Forrese still did not drop the...